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Creativity instead of victimhood

Sat Nam,


I am often asked what can be done in the current situation in the world. In my perception there are two key factors here:

By living a life on our own responsibility & taking responsibility for Mother Earth & all life!


Let us get out of the collective role of victim and live our true creative power now. I believe that waiting for an "outside" rescue is wrong.

Now is the time to create a new world through inner transformation and parallel building of healthy communities - in sisterhood & brotherhood.


For me, personal responsibility means freedom.

Is freedom also a valuable asset in your life?


We can get into our own creative potential by recognizing the enormous power & strength of our thoughts, words & actions.


Now is the time to recognize our primal soul power, to lift it up and to bring it to the outside! Now is the time that we connect with each other & live strong communities, which - with a lot of creativity - will shape the new world full of light and love!

In the form of short overviews and links, you will find helpful inspiration for many areas of life. It should serve as an invitation & idea how you can embark on this wonderful adventure journey of your real life ..... a life of freedom and joy.


<< I am calling


mother earth's daughter!

I am calling


mother earth's sun!

It's time to

come together and

create a new world ...

It's time to

come together and

unite as one! >>

Thank you,

that you are there!









The Universal Laws ...

are the invisible rules of the game in life. They are hermetic laws and therefore it is worthwhile to get to know them & apply them consciously. For me it is the decision whether I want to go through life with a headwind or a tailwind ...

Laura Malina Seiler describes the magic of the Universal Laws wonderfully

Laura Seiler - the 7 spiritual laws

Just click on the underlined text (Love & Thanks to Laura Malina)


Healthy eating

When we are aware of what a precious gift our beautiful body temple is, we automatically have the need to nourish it healthily. If we learn to eat slowly and consciously and celebrate meals again as special events in our life, this can be an enormous source of strength - for body, mind and soul. I was able to experience for myself that food can cure even the most serious diseases. There is so much power in the gifts we receive from Mother Earth every day! Here are a few ideas:

basic nutrition, ayurvedic diet, integrating wild herbs and medicinal plants into the daily lunch.


As you search for informations you will find great help in the world wide web!




Permaculture, urban & animal friendly gardens
Take part!

In times of crisis the subject self-sufficiency can get a very special meaning for us. Permaculture can be practiced in one's own garden, on public areas (city parks, old factory sites, forest gardens, etc.). When we realize that each and every one of us can support the flora and fauna, we can collectively create a blooming oasis for plants, animals & people!


As you search for informations you will find great help in the world wide web (Permaculture, Urban Gardening, Forest Gardening...)




Did you already know that flowers and plants from normal nurseries and garden centers are so heavily contaminated with pesticides that they are involuntarily poisoned for bees !? See Greenpeace information.









Other powerful inspirations:



gives pleasure & promotes creativity. I am very happy to offer bartering with friends. Even in times of crisis, barter is a valuable element in saving money.


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Kundalini Yoga (changed my life ......)

I practice this style of yoga with great enthusiasm. Kundalini Yoga came to me through various wonderful teachers. It is a self-training in which one learns to develop health-oriented and life-affirming habits from the positive experience that the exercises convey. Yoga harmonizes, for example, the effects of stress, insomnia, back pain, nervousness, poor concentration and mood swings. For me Kundalini Yoga is THE holistic way to develop my greatest divine potential and to be able to live my most joyful, happiest and loving version on Mother Earth.

I distance myself from the Guru Yogi Bhajan, whom I did not know personally. I honor my luminous Kundalini Yoga family who lives this yoga style in love & light worldwide and who brought these golden gifts into my life.

Here is a little insight into a Kundalini Yoga Festival:


Sat Nam Fest - Joshua Tree CA 2014

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks to my beautiful, beloved family)


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Let's get together in the circle ...


Here are a few impressions of this wholesome togetherness:


World Wide Women Circles / Wild Woman Sisterhood

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks, to Tara Isis & my beautiful sisters)


Global Sisterhood

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks to Lauren & Shaina from Global Sisterhood)


Circle of women, the ritual art performance by Bilyana Cincarevic

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks to Bilyana)


Tierra de Lunas (here with the song by Nalini Blossom)

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks, my beautiful sisters)


Yael Deckelbaum

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks, my beautiful sisters)


I generally find the Circle Way to Manitonquat

very very inspiring - for the gathering of women and men .

It's a new kind of culture.

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks, dear Manitonquat)


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Great Initiatives

to create our new world in love & light


Ilumina Circle 

is a network of visionaries and free thinkers

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks to my sisters & brothers from Ilumina Circle)


Trees of Peace

The vision of planting 1 million trees around the world in a holy ceremony.

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks, to my sisters & brothers from Friedensbaum-Stiftung)


Organisation for planting 5 million trees Green Sakthi Org

"Our goal is to plant 5 million trees in the Vellore region, Tamil Nadu, South India"

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks lo my sisters & brothers from Green Sakthi Org)



Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks to my beautiful sisters & brothers from unify)

By nature, UNIFY seeks to build alliances with organizations who share a vision of world peace. We have worked with hundreds of organizations to collectively weave the web of peace, and continue to seek new partners. We’d love to hear from you! 



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Performing Vedic fire ceremonies


to purify water, air and earth as well as to regenerate and harmonize body, mind and soul. These easy to learn fire ceremonies have enormous power and are a golden gift for Mother Earth & all life ...


Param Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj (reverently called "Shree") revived the Vedas in 1944 and his messenger Shri Vasant Paranjpe spread his teachings and Agnihotra worldwide from 1970 onwards.

Horst & Birgitt Heigl from Homahof in Heiligenberg pass on this valuable knowledge to us, among other things, through book publications, seminars, YouTube videos ...

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks to "Shree", Shri Vasant Paranjpe & Horst + Birgitt Heigl)



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Circle dances

have an enormously healing & connecting energy. All primitive people practice circle dances ... in ancient times we also came together to dance in a circle ..... Let us bring this magic back to life ...


Nani Kloke workshop

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks, dear Nani)


Spiral song dance by Iria

Simply click on the underlined text

(Love & Thanks, dear Iria)


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I am that "I am ..."


This is the most creative and powerful thought we think

the most creative and powerful sentence that we can pronounce.


The quantum physicist Gregg Braden does a terrific job here

Educational work.


Here is a link to one of his numerous videos, which can be found in German and English. I can particularly recommend his Milano lecture. You can google this at YT.


Gregg Braden Video

Simply click on the underlined text.

(Love & Thanks to Gregg Braden)


Equally great is the work of Dr Masaru Emoto, who became famous for his water crystal paintings. Through him the power of thoughts on water was confirmed. The human body consists of at least 70% water ... There are also numerous YT videos and publications of it in many languages. Here is a link ...


Masaru Emoto

Simply click on the underlined text.

(Love & Thanks to Masaru Emoto)


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Ideas for houses and garden houses

How about if we had round houses and garden houses?

A real feel-good home in harmony with mother earth.

There is a lot of information you can get in the web.

Here are a few impressions:


House in the  Arctic Circle

Simple click the underlined text.

(Love & Thanks to the team of "let me know")


Geodom as garden house

Simple click the underlined text.

German Video ... but the pictures will tell you...

(Love & Thanks dem Team der Sonnenschmiede)


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