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I consecrate trees of love

























In July 2021 I got the vision of the white buffalo calf woman to honor trees which have already found their place on mother earth within a celtic ceremony.



This is a wonderful addition to the vision of Matthias Walter - White Lightfire and his wife Isabella to plant worldwide trees of peace. You can find more about this project here.



I deeply love to create ceremonies for our sisters and brothers, the trees! Trees are holy. With this ceremony I love to honor this and re-connect us with these beautiful souls.




Naturally this ceremony is creating a new and strong power place on mother earth.





Do you have a tree you like very much and love to honor this soul?

























I love to invite you to contact me to create a ceremony for    y o u r    tree.

I love to create holy places in the gardens of my sisters & brothers to fortify us & all creations.


We are the new earth. Now ist the time to reconnect with our sisters and brothers, the power places, the trees, the plants the animals. It is time to come together in a holy circle under a holy tree. It is time to sing, bless, honor, and dance together - just as our ancestors did. 


I even love to create and offer singing circles or fire ceremonies. Please contact me if you are interested to spend a holy time as concious creator, as people of the new earth.


Blessings of Love & Light

Shakti Wild Rose



The beautiful picture is from Nicole Seitz. You can find more about her work here


Here are some pictures of the ceremony for my tree-sister "Lakshmi". She is round about 50 years old - just like me. I honored her with a ceremony and she was full of joy....In November 2022 my beloved brother died. His grave is a tree in a forest for those graves. I honored his tree in a celtic ceremony






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