Midwife for the new golden age
"My heart is burning to make the jewel shine in people again!"
Who is Shakti WildRose?
I am the "I am ....."
My colorful world soul has many faces
I am an eternal creative process
I am a woman of the new earth
What is the meaning of my being there?
With a burning heart, I act as:
Medicine woman of the new earth
free flow love creator
I love to create holy spaces, for a
Here we can heal and enjoy our transforming process together
We sing, dance and connect us with mother earth and our ancestors.
I love to plant peacetrees or to honor
trees in a holy ceremony, which have already found their home
on our beautiful planet
I love to invite to fire-ceremonys or other ceremonys
for deep cleansing, transformation and manifestation
Let us reconnect with our highest power and life as
concious creator
I love to help my sisters & brothers to free their voices
and to shine again
As we free our voice - we free our souls

"And only he is great who turns the voice of the wind into a song ...
and through his love
this song will be even sweeter! "
- Khalil Gibran -
For me it's the greatest gift
if I succeeded to touch the hearts
of people with my singing
that they themselves have the desire & wish to
singing, partying & dancing with me together...
Singing is the most powerful medicine that I know. Within a few minutes we can bring our vibrational frequency to a high level of joy.
When we sing, dance, pray, meditate together, we connect at the soul level and are strengthened to successfully master all upcoming challenges!
For me, the concert halls of the future will look like this, that the artists are in the middle of a circle - at eye level with the audience. (Maybe like in a big geodom with a slowly rotating stage in the middle !?). Like this beautiful cathedral by Edo Kahn in Sydney, Australia:
Just click on the underlined text. (Love & Thanks to Edo!)
Blessings of Love & Light
Shakti Wild Rose